In year-on-year terms, however, unemployment increased by 0.4 p.p., according to provisional data released by the National Statistics Institute (INE). In June, 336,500 people were unemployed in the country.

INE adds that unemployment in Portugal remained at 6.4%, “the lowest value since October 2022, when it was 6.1%”.

In this context, the unemployed population fell by 0.7% compared to May and 6.5% compared to three months earlier, to 336,500 people. Even so, it increased by around 8.5% compared to the same month of 2022.

As for the employed population, it was estimated at 4,944.1 thousand people, which means a positive relative change in relation to the month of May (0.1%), as well as in relation to three months before (0.5%) and to a year before (1.5%).