"There is no climate of social consultation in any other region of the country identical to what we have in Madeira", stated the secretary of Inclusion, Work, and Youth, Ana Sousa, in the regional parliament, during the debate on the specific proposals for the Regional Budget and the Investment Plan for 2024, which allocates 95.5 million to these areas.

The minister clarified that this is the "largest budget of the last ten years" in that sector and indicated that 82.6 million euros are allocated to investment policies.

Among several aspects, Ana Sousa highlighted the stance of the unions and employers' associations, stressing that this allowed salary increases to be achieved between 7% and 10.7% in hotels, between 7% and 8% in restaurants and similar sectors, and 7% in construction.

"I highlight the 5.5% salary increase celebrated between the commerce and services sector and the ACIF [Funchal Commercial and Industrial Association], which will benefit 8,744 workers and, in the hotel sector, the increase in the salary table and pecuniary expression of 6.5%, with the guarantee of a minimum increase of 62 euros", she highlighted.

The minister also highlighted the setting of the regional minimum wage at 850 euros, 30 euros above the national wage, which represents an increase of 65 euros compared to 2023 for around 20 thousand workers, and highlighted the fact that the region records the highest employability rate highest ever (134 thousand people).

Ana Sousa highlighted several programs to support youth, particularly in terms of "direct and net" job creation, noting that, since 2015, more than 31 thousand unemployed people have been covered by the 21 employment measures, in an investment of 171 million euros.

The Regional Secretariat will also create an employment program exclusively aimed at beneficiaries of the Social Insertion Income, with a training component, which should come into force at the beginning of 2025, covering around 220 users, in an investment of 1.2 million euros.

"We also want to increase the value of the Regional Supplement for the Elderly, the CRI, from 80 to 110 euros, impacting 900 thousand euros on the Budget for this year, in a global budget of 4.9 million", said Ana Sousa.

The parties with seats in the Madeira parliament -- PSD, PS, JPP, Chega, CDS-PP, IL, and PAN -- questioned the regional secretary on various aspects, with the opposition highlighting problems such as the increase in the consumption of synthetic drugs, the high rate of risk of poverty in the region, the lack of information on inspection actions, difficulties in accessing the labor market for people with disabilities, gender equality and the pay gap between men and women.