According to data released by the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere (IPMA), the weather station in Santarém recorded 46.4 degrees Celsius, well above the previous record, set on Sunday, when Mértola recorded 43.6 degrees Celsius.

Also on August 7, the thermometers were above those recorded in Mértola in two other locations. Tomar and Mora had maximum temperatures of 44.6 and 44.4 ºC, respectively.

The absolute record remains that of Amareleja, registered on August 1, 2003, when the thermometers rose to 47.3 degrees, whereas last year, on July 14, the meteorological station in Pinhão marked 47 degrees.

The IPMA also confirmed to CNN Portugal that on the 7 August new maximum temperatures were recorded at two meteorological stations. Portalegre, with 42.1 degrees Celsius, beating the previous record, which dated August 4, 2018, while Santarém, with the aforementioned 46.4 degrees Celsius, was above the 46.3 recorded on August 4, 2018.