Quite a few of us are having a bad time at the moment, with extra worries and stress. It is easy to let these circumstances get us down, especially as it feels like many of the situations we find ourselves in are out of our control.

Just when we’re feeling overwhelmed with life, is when we most need to employ gratitude as a tool to help. It is easy to forget that our lives are full of blessings and things which bring us happiness too, we just need to change our focus from the internal stresses to the external joys.

One easy way of doing this is an exercise I call, ‘Find the Joy’. It’s really simple-quickly, take a look around where you are right now, and without thinking name three things you can see which bring you joy. So, right now through my kitchen window, I can see the birds having a bath in the garden and a rose that has newly bloomed. In my kitchen, I can see my pink coffee maker, which brings me joy every morning! It’s that easy!

Once you change your focus, joy is everywhere - the laughing children you see on the swing in the park, your favourite chocolate on offer at the supermarket, or watching an ant carry food back to its nest. Joy truly exists wherever your gaze settles.

Once you’ve mastered the art of finding joy, the next step is to spread it - make it a habit to thank people or say something to them to make them feel joyful. For example, asking the waitress to pass on your thanks to the chef when you’ve eaten out, thanking the lady in church who read the prayers so beautifully, or mentioning to a manager if a staff member has given you good service. This will make these recipients feel joyful and they will pass on the happiness to others who cross their path and the joy will build. Your one action will have created an ever-increasing ripple of happiness!

Once you’re sending this positive energy out into the universe, it will attract more positivity and joy back, so your circumstances will feel less onerous or improve. It’s a win, win!

I challenge you to find the joy!

Many blessings,

Sally 😊


Crystals to help:

Aquamarine for clarity.

Chrysocolla to release anxiety and stress

Larimar for inner peace.

Affirmation: I thank you Universe, for the many joys I have in my life.


Sally saw Angels as a child and could occasionally see and feel people who had passed over. This ability grew as she got older and she now gives readings, as well as channelling Ascended Masters. She often works with Mary Magdalene and channels information from Lord Kuthumi. She is available for readings and spiritual development sessions both online and in person (heaven2heart). 

Sally Hinchcliffe