Data from the Report on Combating Fraud and Tax and Customs Evasion 2022 shows that the main motivations for complaints were Tax Authority (AT) procedures in areas such as IRS, IMI, IUC, VAT and tax justice, according to Correio da Manhã.

According to AT, the increase in complaints is a consequence of citizens' perception of their rights, as well as the dissemination of this service through the sharing of opinions between taxpayers, proven by the increase of more than 580% of complaints against the tax authorities.

Of the total of 5,345 complaints made, the Tax Authority responded to 5,147, a number that approaches 100%, according to the released report. The entity's main conclusions when assessing complaints is that 60% of the responses were merely informative and in 22% of cases the citizens were right. On the other hand, in 10% of cases, the AT states that the taxpayers were wrong.