October and November are two very powerful months of change, partly as we have two Eclipses in October. Eclipses are like wild cards, they can bring sudden out-of-the-blue opportunities and the changes are usually permanent. We are jumped back onto our path of destiny in this life if we have strayed from it.
There is a huge theme running all this year is around a huge choice point for all of us: will we choose love or fear, being the victim or the empowered co-creator? The battleground is clear between individual power and state power. This is emphasised again right from the start of the month, around the 4th, by a clash between Mars representing individual power and freedom, and Pluto representing governmental and constitutional power, traditional power systems and the way they have operated. This is linked to a very well-established vertical structure in society with elite, wealthy and powerful people at the top, instructing poorer people at the bottom. This massive shift that we are going through now and in the next couple of years will challenge those old power systems, with much corruption coming to light.
Over the next year, the US is particularly highlighted in its astrology with these themes. So what does that mean? Looking back at historical cycles during the 1200s, the 1500s, and the 1700s, when Pluto has moved from the end of Capricorn into Aquarius as it is doing now, this means that the power will shift gradually more towards the people. It will move from a society (and this is global, not just the US) of verticality, top-down power, rich elitist people at the top telling poorer people at the bottom of society how to live, towards a more horizontally-based society and political structure. This means it will be grassroots up, community-based, with much more collaboration and the desire to share with others. We will be less interested in investing for profit, and rather we will want to invest for the people.
Law of the universe
Remember that we are all living on very individual timelines more than ever before, so our realities will be very different as we move through these transitions. Broadly there will be a timeline of ongoing compliance with diktats and another different major timeline of creating community. However in general I believe that the more we stay in peace, love, gratitude, joy and compassion, the more bubble-wrapped we will be from the worst excesses of these changes. Remember that we can only experience that which we are the frequency of; our reality has to be a frequency match to what we are broadcasting, it is a law of the universe.
The planet Mars moves into Scorpio on October 12th and remains there until November 24th. This period could see a lot of fireworks in either the financial area and/or in many secrets coming to light that have been long hidden. Emotional intensity will be particularly strong around this period. This is reinforced by the Solar Eclipse in Libra on the 14th. If you have been a ‘people-pleaser’, generally wanted to keep the peace, go along with the crowd, and not rock the boat, then your past behaviour patterns may be challenged now. Were you complying to something which is now being revealed as not true, for instance? There could also be some legal developments around this time too that are important for the world.
So this is a time that calls for you to stand more fully in your power, peacefully and lovingly, but nevertheless standing more strongly for what you believe in.
On October 28th, we have a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. This may see more financial volatility and certainly we will be concerned with our own safety and security needs. But Taurus yearns for simplicity, connecting to the Earth and nature, feeling her natural rhythms, and finding peace in doing that. Grow some of your own food if you can, and whenever you can have bare feet on the Earth, whether that is beach or grass. If you look at www.groundology.com you will see the amazing physiological and emotional benefits of doing this.
Remember that we are all creating our reality through our thoughts and feelings, and what we ‘broadcast’ in this sense to the world. Our reality then bounces back to us as a mirror of that. So if we can stay in peace and love whatever is happening in the outside world, we will navigate this period more calmly.
Blessings to you all.
Pam Gregory has been involved with astrology for over 45 years, and runs a very busy astrology practice. She has a popular YouTube channel with updates and interviews, is the author of two best-selling books, You Don’t Really Believe in Astrology, Do You? and How to Co-Create using the Secret Language of the Universe. Pam offers several teaching videos available from her website: www.pamgregory.com and also writes a long monthly newsletter.
She is no longer doing client work as she is focused on helping the collective through this huge spiritual transformation. As well as YouTube you’ll find her on Unifyd, MeWe and Facebook with regular astrology updates.’