The National Road Safety Authority (ANSR) and Brisa Autoestradas have signed a commitment within the scope of the National Road Safety Strategy Vision Zero 2030, which aims to reduce the number of deaths by 50% by 2030.

The National Road Safety Strategy, which was never approved by the Government, will be implemented through multi-annual action plans, with the commitment between ANSR and Brisa being the first agreement signed within the scope of this national strategy.

This agreement establishes the measures that both parties undertake to carry out in the 2024-2025 biennium so that their goals for 2030 can be achieved.

By subscribing to the 'Vision Zero 2030 Commitment', Brisa Autoestradas undertakes to develop the Road Safety Management System in 2024 and 2025, with an estimated investment of five million euros.

Adopting best international practices in the use of new equipment to reinforce signage, participating in campaigns for the adoption of safe behavior by drivers and carrying out corrective measures identified in the National Plan of Accident Accumulation Zones and inspections carried out by ANSR are others company commitments.

Also within the scope of this agreement, ANSR will develop a set of measures for an estimated investment of two million euros, highlighting the preparation of the National Plan for Identification of Accident Accumulation Areas, Road Safety Inspections with issuing recommendations for improvement of safety and carrying out information and awareness campaigns for the adoption of safe behavior by drivers.

According to ANSR, the measures provided for in the agreement will be monitored every six months, with monitoring of the schedule and rates of achievement of execution indicators and key performance indicators.

The Annual Monitoring Report of the Vision Zero 2030 Strategy will be carried out annually, to which Brisa Autoestradas will make its respective contributions.

Speaking to the Lusa agency, the president of the executive committee of the Brisa group, António Pires de Lima, said that the commitment signed today “follows a journey that Brisa has always followed in collaboration” with entities in the area of ​​road safety with the aim of reducing accidents and mortality on motorways.

According to Pires de Lima, accidents on highways concessioned by Brisa have decreased by 50% in the last 10 years and reduced by around 25% when compared to 2019 data, while on other roads the numbers have stabilized

The person responsible maintained that this decrease is related to a set of measures and “many of them from Brisa's own investment”.

Among the measures, he highlighted the machines that can protect drivers or people who work at Brisa when there is maintenance work, reducing blind spots and installing radars in blind spots, as excessive speed continues to be the main reason for accidents on motorways.

The Vision Zero 2030 National Road Safety Strategy intends to act in three areas: attitudes and behaviors, black spots on national and municipal roads and work around post-accident relief.