In a private meeting of the municipal executive, the architectural project for the building located at Rua dos Lusíadas 15-17 was approved with the casting vote of the president of the Chamber, Carlos Moedas (PSD), who governs without an absolute majority, after a tie between votes against and in favour.

The architectural project was initially proposed at a council meeting in 2017 by the then councillor for Urbanism, Manuel Salgado (PS), but was never voted on, and the process was suspended as part of the consideration of a petition in favour of preserving the property as a “historic and heritage building”.

“At the time, the Urban Planning councillor in office requested that meetings be held with the architect and applicant to find a solution with a better fit on the site and prioritising the preservation of the existing building. At that time, the proposed use was tourism”, indicated the Lisbon City Council (CML) in response to Lusa agency.

The CML notified “three times, between 2018 and 2022”, the company requesting the project, Imolapa – Imobiliária da Lapa, Lda, as owner of the property, so that changes could be introduced that would enhance the value of the pre-existing building, and several working meetings between the Urban Planning services and the project authors, from the Pardal Monteiro Arquitetos studio, “but official changes to the process were never submitted”.

According to the council, the condition of the building has worsened and, “with the exception of the facades and the stairwell, the entire construction is in an advanced state of ruin”.

“The current solution, corrected in 2023 and now approved in a council meeting", on the proposal of the Urbanism councillor, Joana Almeida (independent elected by the "Novos Tempos" coalition - PSD/CDS-PP/MPT/PPM/Aliança), "respects the few heritage values that can be preserved, specifically the main façade”, highlighted the CML, highlighting that, contrary to what was proposed in 2017, “the current project changes the use to collective housing, instead of tourism, which will increase the housing supply in the parish of Alcântara with a further 15 dwellings”.

Dating back to 1888, the building was the studio/headquarters of the construction company Touzet, founded by French builders Charles Vieillard & Fernand Touzet, authors of much of the industrial heritage built in Lisbon, such as the architectural complex of Central Tejo.