Speaking to journalists at the Assembly of the Republic, the parliamentary leader of the PCP, Paula Santos, recalled that this Wednesday marks the 1st of May, which will “certainly be a great day of struggle for workers, in defense of their rights, more wages, but also a fight against exploitation, injustice, and inequalities”.

“The PCP will move forward with four legislative initiatives precisely to reinforce the rights of those who work, legislative initiatives that deal with issues of working hours because it is necessary to ensure that there are conditions for effective coordination between professional, personal and family life”, she stated.

With this objective, the PCP presents an initiative that proposes reducing weekly working hours to 35 hours, whether in the public or private sector, without loss of salary.

In the diploma, the party states that 35 hours are already a reality in public administration, and also in many private sector companies, “but there is still a lack of general establishment of a maximum weekly working time of 35 hours for workers who do not yet have it”.

Alongside this measure, the PCP also advances with two diplomas that aim to “put an end to the deregulation of working hours”, immediately revoking the adaptability and time bank mechanisms, which, according to the party, aim to “obtain an increase in working time without charge to the employer”.

Finally, the party also proposes strengthening the rights of workers who work shifts or night work, limiting the use of this type of regime to situations that are “technically and socially justified”, in addition to “combating” the desire to “extend continuous work in a group of companies”.

“We also propose that there should naturally be due compensation for workers who perform shift work and night work. The hardship, the risk, the wear and tear that is associated with it requires fair compensation”, said Paula Santos, adding that it is also necessary to define “a regime for early retirement, taking into account these work rhythms of high wear and tear and risk”.