This equipment will improve surveillance and the general prediction of rural fire danger and local meteorological conditions at the fire front, explains IPMA.

The two radars and meteorological stations are installed in Coruche/Cruz do Leão and in Loulé/Cavalos de Caldeirão, while the two lightning detectors are in Olhão and in Viana do Castelo/Chafé.

The two new meteorological stations will expand the existing network on the continent for observation and also reinforce the forecast of rural fire danger and relevant meteorological variables.

Thunderstorm detectors aim to increase the accuracy of locating electrical discharges, and the “information can be used in terms of real-time surveillance and in ‘post-mortem’ analysis to identify the causes of fires”.

Since May 15, forest firefighting resources have been reinforced, with 11,293 operational and 34 aerial resources on the ground, according to the Special Device for Combating Rural Fires (DECIR).

This device will be on the ground on May 31st, and it is the first reinforcement of resources of the year, at what is called the 'Bravo Level'.

The number of operators involved in combating rural fires will increase slightly this year, with 14,155 elements expected for the months considered most critical, but two fewer aerial assets.