The Government is expected to approve the reduction of the IRS Jovem, which provides for a reduction of two-thirds of the rates currently applied, at the Council of Ministers on Thursday.

The information was provided by the newspaper ECO, which indicated that the package should establish a maximum tax of 15% for taxpayers up to the age of 35, except those who fall into the last bracket.

The measure should come into force in 2025, as part of a package dedicated to youth that will also include exemption from IMI and Stamp Tax on the purchase of the first residence by young people up to the age of 35, on properties worth up to 316 thousand euros, and the public guarantee to help finance up to 10% of the acquisition.

Last week, the Minister of Finance, Miranda Sarmento, argued that the IRS reduction promised by the Government is "more ambitious" than the measure that has been in force since the beginning of 2024, but clarified that it will be around 200 million euros.

In an interview with RTP, Miranda Sarmento clarified that the 1,500 million euros of IRS relief mentioned by the Prime Minister this Thursday, at the beginning of the debate on the Government's program, will not be added to the approximately 1,300 million euros of IRS reduction included in the State Budget for 2024 (OE2024) and already in force.

"Our proposal is for young people up to the age of 35, with the exception of the last income bracket", he said, specifying that it covers all young people up to the age of 35, regardless of educational qualifications.

These young people "will pay a third of the IRS of what they pay today", adding that the regime applies whether they start working at 18 or 20 years of age.