Primavera Sound Porto generated five million euros less in economic impact (43.4 million euros) than in 2023 (48.5 million euros), which had already exceeded the 2022 edition by 12.4 million euros. Due to rain and the cancellation of some concerts, the event attracted 100,000 visitors.

The calculations result from a study by ISAG-European Business School and the Center for Research in Business Sciences and Tourism of the Consuelo Vieira da Costa Foundation (CICET-FCVC). And it shows that visitors spent, on average, 126.85 euros at the festival site. Residents outside the Porto Metropolitan Area (AMP) or abroad incurred an average daily expenditure of 397.87 euros in the city.

These data were calculated based on expenses for accommodation, meals, culture/leisure, travel, and travel in the city, among other visitor expenses.

According to the same study, 14.1% of festival-goers are foreigners, with a greater Spanish predominance (18.7%). This is followed by English visitors (14.0%), Brazilians (12.3%), French (7.6%), Germans (4.7%) and Italians (4.7%).

Accommodation was the most significant expense (117.74 euros per day) with 29.8% of respondents to this study preferring to stay overnight in hotels in Porto. Visitors stayed an average of three nights in the Invicta city. Restaurant expenses reached an average of 51.53 euros, and 39.64 euros in the culture/leisure area.

“Among international visitors and residents outside the AMP, who represented 37.2% of the sample, 91.8% went to Porto on purpose to attend the festival”, indicates the study.