The price of a food basket increased by more than 16 euros in the last year, according to price monitoring by DECO PROteste. There are foods that have become much more expensive: for example, buying a bottle of virgin olive oil can cost €10.30 and a kilo of fresh fish can now cost €5 more than in 2023.

"In the last year, the price of the food basket of 63 essential goods monitored by DECO PROteste increased by 16.43 euros (plus 7.51 percent). On June 12, 2024, this basket cost 235.22 euros. One year ago, on June 14, 2023, it cost 218.78 euros", says the consumer protection organisation.

Among the products whose price increased the most in percentage terms in the last year "are fresh fish (up 71%), extra virgin olive oil (up 40%) and fibre cereals (up 27 percent)".

Between June 14, 2023, and June 12, 2024, the biggest percentage increases were seen in products such as fresh hake, which costs €12.14/kg, €5.04 more than a year ago (71% more ), extra virgin olive oil, which costs €10.30, €2.94 more than a year ago (40% more) and fibre cereals, whose price is €4.85, €1.02 more compared to last year (27% more).