The local council stated that works on main roads will be suspended over the summer in a bid to reduce traffic constraints.

The Municipality of Lagoa suspended some work fronts in the contracts for replacing the main water distribution pipelines in the municipality, including the contract for replacing the Lagoa – Estômbar – Calvário pipeline, the contract for replacing the Cerca da Lapa – Sesmarias and the contract to replace the Cerca da Lapa – Moinhos / Vale de Milho pipeline, as well as the contract to install Measurement and Control Zones (ZMC's) and Controlled Pressure Zones (ZPC's), throughout the municipality.

In the contract to replace the Lagoa – Estômbar – Calvário pipeline, work has been suspended on the circulation route, next to Calvário, and work has started on the circulation route that goes to Torrinha, not intervening for now in the area between Estômbar and the Slide&Splash water park.

In the contract to replace the Cerca da Lapa – Sesmarias pipeline, the work that was taking place on Estrada Nacional 124-1, next to the Gramital roundabout, was suspended, continuing only with the work on the Municipal Road that gives access to the Sesmarias water tower.

In the contract to replace the Cerca da Lapa – Moinhos / Vale de Milho pipeline, the work that was taking place on Estrada Municipal 1273 was suspended and the work that was taking place between Salicos and the industrial zone of Lagoa was moved forward.

Regarding the contract for the installation of ZMC's and ZPC's, throughout the municipality, the Municipality of Lagoa suspended the opening of ditches on the circulation roads for their installation, proceeding only to cover the ditches that had already been opened and installed the ZMC's and ZPC's.

These suspensions of some work fronts were already planned when the previously mentioned projects began. From the month of September onwards, all work fronts necessary to complete the projects will be resumed.