In a note, the Municipality stresses that it is working on several fronts with a view to “disciplining” behaviours in public spaces, so that “the good image of Albufeira is restored, both to the satisfaction of residents and tourists”, explains José Carlos Rolo.

The mayor points out the problem of certain groups, “but it cannot be generalised, as the behaviour of some cannot be taken as a reflection of the identity of any country”.

Seven actions are underway, such as a behavioural awareness campaign, using billboards, posters, a brochure and other materials; a campaign to promote the destination is also being carried out in partnership with the company IPDT- Turismo; 70 video surveillance cameras are being installed; human surveillance has already been increased in the areas of Oura and the “downtown” part of the city, with the help of the Firefighters Association, the Portuguese Red Cross, the GNR, the Municipal Civil Protection Service and the Municipal Police, as well as other law enforcement agencies. In addition, a new code of behaviour is being drawn up, which should be completed by the end of this summer; the draft amendment to the Municipal Noise Regulation is being reviewed; and finally, the proposal to revise the Municipal Regulations for the Operation of Establishments will be presented at the Council Meeting tomorrow.

As regards the behavioural awareness campaign, the distribution of flyers, stickers and a brochure has already begun.

According to the local authority, Albufeira now has more security, surveillance and inspection agents on the streets, “for a faster and more effective response to any problem that arises”, day or night.

“The less than positive image of Albufeira must change very soon and I will not allow any lack of respect for our work, neither for the leisure of our tourists, nor for the work of all those who live in Albufeira, regardless of their origin or social status”, says the mayor.

José Carlos Rolo also requested the help of the British Consulate to implement campaigns and actions in Albufeira, as are done in other countries, with a view to “ensuring greater security, comfort and satisfaction for all tourists, who are also disturbed by the widespread perception of a less than positive image of their identity, when Albufeira’s relations with the entire United Kingdom have always been, and throughout many years of history, one of great cordiality and mutual admiration”.

In addition to all this, tendering procedures are also underway for more and better lighting in certain public places, especially in the coastal area, an increase in the number of litter bins on the streets and more cleaning professionals, and noise monitoring has already begun on some streets.

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