“We approved calling a street action for October 25th in front of the Assembly of the Republic to demand the reinstatement of the expression of interest,” Flora Silva, from the Olho Vivo Association (Association for the Defense of Heritage, Environment and Human Rights), told Lusa.

The issue at hand is the recent changes to the law regarding foreigners, in force since June 4th, which eliminated two articles (articles 88 and 89) that allowed immigrants to proceed with a residence permit process and become legalised, known as “expression of interest”.

“The reinstatement of these two articles is essential for the economy, companies, and immigrants. The country needs them and, at this moment, they have no way of coming and regularising their situation”, stated the representative.

In addition to the street action, the meeting held at the José Saramago Foundation in Lisbon resulted in the approval of a motion of solidarity with the workers of the Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum (AIMA), who have been on strike and working overtime.

At the same time, the launch of a petition was approved so that the issue can be discussed by the Assembly of the Republic. “It will be launched this week”, stated Flora Silva.

The movement, which represents around 57 associations and collectives, has scheduled a new meeting for September 15th. The meeting takes place days after a meeting with members of the PCP, scheduled for September 2nd, and of the Socialist Party, on September 9th. Flora Silva also told Lusa that the movement is waiting to meet with the other parties, as well as with the Prime Minister.

In mid-July, immigrant associations met with the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, who, according to the representatives, promised to fight and “put pressure” so that it would once again be possible for immigrants to use the expression of interest.