In a plenary meeting, the PCP recommendation was made possible with votes against from Chega and the non-registered deputy Margarida Penedo (who left the CDS-PP) and votes in favour of the others, asking the council to provide the AML with “all the information it has on the licensing of this activity and the specific rules it intends to adopt regarding the operation of tuk tuk vehicles, as well as the deadlines are foreseen for the application of these measures”.

On July 31, the Lisbon City Council (CML) announced its intention to limit the number of parking spaces for tuk tuks and the number of licenses to be issued for this type of vehicle, in order to regulate the activity in the city.

The PCP's proposal recommends that the CML inform the assembly about the result of the public consultation held on the draft regulation, approved by the council in December 2016, and present the current status of the municipal regulation on the circulation of vehicles used for tourist entertainment activities, including the timetable for its approval.