“Among the sectors with the highest growth in the aggregate turnover of their respective companies, the following stand out: Accommodation and catering (+18%), General Services (+14%) and Business Services (+13%)”, the consultancy indicates in a press release.

The results, published in the Informa Business by Data report, indicate that the increase in turnover was “across most sectors of activity” last year and that sectors linked to tourism “will record the most significant growth in turnover in 2023”.

“Short-stay accommodation (+25.5%), Tourist services (+21%), Air transport (+20.6%), and Hotel and rural tourism (+19.8%) are among the activities with the highest growth in turnover”.

The Informa D&B report shows that, in 2023, the aggregate turnover of the business sector grew by 2.5% compared to the previous year, which represents an increase in turnover of 10.6 billion euros, in a record that comes “after two consecutive years of strong growth in this indicator”.

Informa D&B highlights that “more than half of companies (57%) saw their turnover increase”, with emphasis on small and medium-sized companies, which were the segments with the highest growth in turnover, recording increases of 8.6% and 7.0% respectively.

In micro-enterprises, turnover increased by 2.3% last year, with Informa D&B also highlighting that “contrary to the trend of the last two years, the turnover of large companies fell by 1.2% in 2023”.

Despite the good results, there were, however, sectors with negative performances, such as Energy and Environment, Wholesale and Industries, which showed falls in turnover in 2023.