In this sixth week of the Seven Sacred Weeks, we charge mankind, the Earth, and all life on this planet with the Golden Ray of Peace, Devotional Worship, and Ministration.
Beloved Master Nada, the Chohan of the Golden Ray, supervises all activities during this Golden Week. People under the influence of the Golden Ray tend to be highly devotional. This flame is generally a source of inspiration for ministers and religious leaders.
Last week, we reinforced the Green Ray power of concentration, essential for staying alert. In this Golden Week, we will acquire the Sustaining Power of Peace, which is fundamental for fulfilling our purposes.
The Seven Masters who pour their blessings in week 6 under the guidance of Lady Nada are:
the Goddess of Liberty
the Goddess of Justice
the Ascended Light Body
Master Lanto
the God of Gold and the God of Nature
the Seven Mighty Elohim
the Seven Mighty Archangels
On day 36 of the Seven Sacred Weeks, the Goddess Of Liberty aims to help us to have the courage to cut the undesirable elements out of our lives. On day 37, The Goddess Of Justice will illuminate our minds with Her Awareness, allowing us to perceive the opportunities that Life presents us daily. On day 38, The Ascended Light Body, the combined power of all Ascended Masters, will bless us with their Radiant Consciousness. On this day, you can also choose an Ascended Master from your heart and share their blessings with humanity. On day 39, Master Lanto will charge our consciousness with His Reverence for Life. On day 40, The God Of Gold And The God Of Nature will bless us with Their Supply of Every Good Thing. On Day 41, The Seven Mighty Elohim will enlighten our minds and bring forth Their Radiant Insights. On day 42, concluding Golden Week, The Seven Mighty Archangels will bless our hearts and bring forth Their Virtues of Light.

This week, we harness the collective strength of many Hosts of Light, whose blessings are crucial for giving us the peace and energy needed to be successful in 2025.
Dear readers, on 4 January, the Karmic Board announces the approved Karmic petitions. Typically, we can tell if we have succeeded by the peace and joy that may arise in our hearts on this day.
On 6 and 7 January, the White Brotherhood offers the activation of the Flame of Power, also known as the Blue Petal of the Threefold Flame within our hearts. You can find more details about this activation in the Sacred Seven Weeks booklet or in the messages posted in the group. The fundamental practice on these two days is to focus on your heart and visualise a point of Blue Light there. Then, feel that Light expanding and enveloping you in a sparkling sphere of Blue Light and dwell on this visualisation for a few moments. If you do this, you will be immensely blessed. We will perform this activation together during our live meditation.
As always, you are warmly invited to join our daily live meditation at 2pm (in Portuguese Time).
1. The Seven Sacred Weeks’ Facebook group:
2.Morgan Le Fay’s Facebook page:
3. Morgan Le Fay’s YouTube channel:
4. The Seven Sacred Weeks’ Instagram:
Morgan Le Fay, a messenger of the Ascended Masters, began her spiritual journey in 1995 during a night vision that provided insights into the mystery of resurrection. 2008, Master Saint Germain contacted her and began teaching her about the I AM Presence. In 2017, under the guidance of the Ascended Masters, she started leading lightworkers during the Seven Sacred Weeks. Since then, she has channeled three books containing information about this Cosmic Activity and dictations from the Ascended Masters. Her books are free for download in her welcoming Facebook group “The Seven Sacred Weeks.”