According to the PJ, in the police operation "Exotic Fruit", carried out in recent days with the support of the Tax and Customs Authority, it was also possible to detain five suspects - two Portuguese and three foreigners, aged between 28 and 42 - of being part of a criminal organisation dedicated to the importation of large quantities of cocaine to the European continent and its subsequent distribution to several countries.

"The drug in question, which, if it reached the illicit distribution circuits, would be sufficient for the composition of at least 3,500,000 individual doses, was concealed in a shipment of about seven tonnes of tropical fruit from a country in the Americas that had just arrived in national territory by air", says the PJ.

During the operation, several vehicles, mobile phones, cash in banknotes and documents relevant to the evidence of the facts under investigation were also seized.

The investigation continues by the National Unit to Combat Drug Trafficking (UNCT) of the Judiciary Police.