In a post on Instagram, the company shared pictures and a video of the close encounter with the whale.

“Hold onto your fins, folks! We had an extraordinary encounter yesterday and again today with a truly rare moment of nature's magnificence. A majestic Sei Whale was spotted near Estoril, engaging in an incredible behavior known as skim-feeding."

“Skim-feeding is a mesmerising sight, where the Sei Whale gracefully glides just beneath the surface, filtering tiny organisms through its baleen plates. It's a feeding technique that showcases the remarkable adaptability and intelligence of these magnificent creatures."

“Moments like these remind us of the importance of preserving and protecting our oceans. Sei Whales are very rare to sight and it is a precious opportunity to learn more about them and contribute to their conservation."

“Join us in celebrating this incredible encounter and spreading awareness about the wonders of marine life."