"It was a tragic weekend for the municipality of Valpaços", said Amílcar Almeida, referring to the intense fall of rain accompanied by hail and wind that, on Saturday, hit the municipality in the district of Vila Real.

The mayor said that a "strong hail storm hit some parishes in the municipality of Valpaços" and that in some locations there is a loss of almost 100% in vineyards, olive groves and horticultural products.

Damage assessments have begun with the collaboration of the presidents of the affected parish councils, namely Valpaços, São Pedro de Veiga de Lila, Zebras, Água Revés, Argeriz, Possacos, Fornos, Santa Valha and Vilarandelo.

Technicians from the Regional Directorate of Agriculture and Fisheries of the North (DRAPN) will visit the most affected areas in the municipalities of Valpaços and Mirandela, in the district of Bragança.

Amílcar Almeida highlighted that "it is necessary to help farmers" and recalled that the main economic activity in the municipality is agriculture, specifically in the production of olive oil, wine and chestnuts.