In a statement, the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority (ANEPC) also warns of a situation of relative air humidity (HRA) below 30%, with weak nighttime recovery and an increase in wind intensity from Wednesday, especially from the afternoon onwards.

Given this scenario, ANEPC points out as expected effects of the increase in the risk of fire, with conditions favourable to the eventual occurrence and spread of rural fires, as well as the increase in the difficulty of suppression actions, especially in the North and Center interior and in Algarve.

As preventive measures, ANEPC recalls that "extensive burning without authorisation is prohibited", and any matter related to this subject must be informed by the Municipal Council of the respective locality.

ANEPC also highlights the need to take special care when traveling and staying near wooded areas, paying attention to the possibility of falling branches and trees, due to stronger winds.

It also warns that on days of very high and maximum fire risk, it is prohibited to use fire to cook food throughout rural areas, unless used outside critical areas and in places duly authorised for that purpose.