Another edition of the Portuguese Course for Foreigners, promoted by the Municipality of Vila Nova de Poiares, and aimed at the entire foreign community residing in the Municipality has come to an end.

To mark the moment, more than three dozen people in a group of almost 100 participants gathered at a convivial lunch, in which the Mayor of the Municipality, João Miguel Henriques, also participated.

For the Mayor, “The Portuguese Course is a response from the Municipality to the growing needs of the international community residing in Vila Nova de Poiares. Through a practical and accessible approach to the Portuguese language, and adapted to different levels of knowledge, we seek to eliminate the main barrier to inclusion which is language”, he said.

João Miguel Henriques said that, “With this initiative, we are promoting integration and facilitating the communication of foreigners residing in the Municipality, promoting cultural diversity and strengthening community ties.”

Highlighting the “growing number of residents of foreign nationality in Vila Nova de Poiares, this bet by the Municipality has proved to be an effective response, promoting the full exercise of citizenship to all citizens, even if they are not born in the Municipality or have Portuguese nationality”, said the Mayor.