His birth name was Gaetano Thiene. His father, a prominent lawyer, and his mother provided him with a solid foundation in both worldly and spiritual matters. Cajetan was educated at the University of Padua, where he studied law.

St. Cajetan’s life was marked by a profound commitment to reforming the Church and serving the poor. After obtaining his degree in law, he chose to devote himself to religious life rather than a legal career. In 1524, he co-founded the Theatines with several companions, an order dedicated to the reform of the clergy and the care of the poor. Their mission was to live a life of poverty and to preach the Gospel

St. Cajetan was known for his deep piety, his rigorous adherence to prayer and fasting, and his unwavering commitment to the poor and the reform of the Church. Despite facing significant opposition and numerous challenges, his dedication to the spiritual renewal of the Church remained steadfast. His work and his life of holiness continue to inspire those seeking to live out their faith with fervor and dedication.