The IPMA has also placed several municipalities in all districts on the continent (18) at very high and high risk of fire. The risk of fire will remain high in some regions of the continent until at least Friday. This risk determined by the IPMA has five levels, ranging from reduced to maximum.

Calculations are obtained from air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and amount of precipitation in the last 24 hours. Due to the hot weather, the IPMA placed the district of Braga under orange warning between 12pm today and 8pm on Tuesday.

The districts of Viana do Castelo, Porto, Vila Real, Bragança, Viseu, Guarda, Coimbra, Leiria, Santarém, Castelo Branco, Portalegre, Évora and Beja will also be under yellow warning because of the persistence of high values of the maximum temperature between the 12pm today and 8pm Tuesday.

The orange warning is issued by IPMA when there is a moderate to high risk weather situation and the yellow warning whenever there is a risk for certain activities depending on the weather situation. IPMA forecasts for today on the continent cloudy or clear skies, with morning cloudiness on the west coast south of the Douro, which may persist. During the afternoon, an increase in cloudiness is expected in the interior.

The forecast also points to light winds, temporarily moderate from the western quadrant during the afternoon, and sometimes strong in the highlands of the North and Center until mid-morning and towards the end of the day. Morning fog or fog in general is also foreseen in some places on the west coast south of the Douro River, a small rise in the minimum temperature in the North and inland Center and South regions and a small rise in the maximum in the North and Center regions, more significant on the coast. The minimum temperatures will fluctuate between 15 degrees Celsius (in Porto) and 25 (in Portalegre) and the maximum between 26 (in Aveiro) and 40 (in Castelo Branco).