Lidl's exports of national products to the chain's stores in the European Union (EU) had a direct and indirect impact of 289 million euros last year, an increase of 18% compared to the previous year, having created 6,520 jobs (+32 %), points out a study by the consultancy Forvis Mazars for the German chain.

Last year, Lidl exported 156 million euros to stores in 29 European countries — out of a total of 32 where it operates — around 2% of Portuguese food exports to the EU. “For every euro in exports facilitated by Lidl in products destined for export, around 1.85 euros were generated in the Portuguese economy,” highlights the consultancy’s study.

“The data from this study illustrates our increasingly significant impact on the Portuguese economy, both in generating wealth for the country and in generating employment, alongside our commitment to promoting the quality of Portuguese products in international markets, demonstrating an ongoing commitment to sustainable development and the creation of opportunities. In this way, we open the doors of our store network across Europe to suppliers who would otherwise have more difficulty in internationalising”, points out Bruno Pereira, purchasing director at Lidl Portugal, quoted in a press release.

Products from agriculture, animal production and hunting and related services (44%); Food products (31%); Beverages (18%), and Fishing and aquaculture products (7%) are the main products exported by the chain which, last year boosted the sales of more than 100 national suppliers, exporting more than a hundred different types of articles to around from three dozen countries, with emphasis on Germany, Spain, and France.

Exports facilitated by Lidl also had an impact on employment, creating 6,520 jobs in Portugal. In other words, 32% more compared to 2022, representing 1,588 more jobs, directly, indirectly, and induced, having mainly impacted the areas of agricultural products, animal production and hunting and related services (61%); food products (19%); fishing and aquaculture products (11%) and beverages (9%).

In Portugal for 29 years, Lidl has around 9,000 employees, distributed across more than 270 stores, from North to South of the country, and 4 regional offices and warehouses.

According to the Impact Study carried out by KPMG, in 2022, Lidl Portugal contributed 3,100 million euros in terms of wealth generation to the country, representing 1.3% of the national GDP.