The campaign runs between today and Sunday and aims to promote road safety, with a focus on speeding.

In a statement, the GNR highlights that excessive speed continues to be one of the main causes of serious road accidents in Portugal, whether due to the reduction in the driver's reaction time to deal with an unforeseen event or the worsening of its consequences as a result of greater violence of the clash.

Excessive speed is also “the most common offense in all European countries, and is also recognized, throughout Europe, as the main cause of death on the roads”.

In 2023, the GNR recorded a total of 84,601 traffic accidents, of which at least 3,447 were likely caused by excessive speed.

Regarding speed control, in 2023, 101,169 infractions were recorded.

With the action that begins today, GNR also intends to raise awareness among drivers about the importance of adopting safer behaviors, “with a view to promoting road safety and safeguarding human lives”.

This operation takes place within the scope of the European Traffic Police Network (RoadPol), an organization that was established by European traffic police with the aim of improving road safety and compliance with road regulations.

This is also the largest speed control campaign in the world, taking into account the total number of police professionals involved and the drivers inspected.

In the same period last year, more than 650,000 speed violations were detected during operations in Europe.