According to the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), the yellow warning for Lisbon and Leiria will be in force between 09:00 and 18:00 today.

The yellow warning is issued by the IPMA whenever there is a risk situation for certain activities depending on the weather situation.

The IPMA predicts partly cloudy or clear skies on the mainland today, with more cloudiness in the north and centre of the interior, with the possibility of light showers and a slight drop in temperature.

The forecast also indicates light to moderate winds from the north, blowing moderately to strongly and with gusts of up to 75 km/h in the highlands, especially along the central and western coast of the Algarve and on the west coast.

Minimum temperatures will range between 12 degrees Celsius (in Coimbra) and 16 (in Faro and Setúbal) and maximum temperatures between 22 (in Aveiro) and 31 (in Castelo Branco).