The law had been approved in the Assembly of the Republic on 14 March and came from a bill presented by the Bloco de Esquerda parliamentary group, with votes in favour from all benches, except the Iniciativa Liberal, which abstained.
Defines that people suffering from endometriosis, or adenomyosis, can have access to complementary means of diagnosis and therapy and consultations, the Department of Health must prepare, within 90 days, the standards and technical guidelines to be implemented in all health units.
The diploma also determines the creation of a reimbursement scheme for medicines intended for the treatment and relief of symptoms prescribed in the National Health Service (SNS) by a specialist doctor.
It is also ensured that workers and students who suffer from severe and disabling pain caused by endometriosis or adenomyosis during their menstrual period have the right to justifiably miss work or classes, without losing any rights, for up to three consecutive days each month.
In the same statement, the Presidency of the Republic also announced that the decree had been promulgated that guarantees that the remuneration of workers in external peripheral services of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is determined in euros.
The law now promulgated leads to the amendment of Decree-Law No. 47/2013, of 5 April, which establishes the legal and labour regime for workers recruited to perform functions in the external peripheral services of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including workers from official State residences.
The bill had been advanced by the PAN and was approved in the Assembly of the Republic and was approved with votes in favour from all parties, except PSD and CDS who voted against it.