“This ordinance regulates the reduction regime applicable to the value of toll rates charged to users on sections and sub-sections identified in Decree-Law no. 111/2011, of 28 November, and on sections and sub-sections of motorways A 4 - Marão tunnel, A 4 - Vila Real-Bragança (Quintanilha), A 13 - Atalaia (A 23)-Coimbra Sul and A 13-1”, reads the document.

The same ordinance also proceeds “to redefine the regime for modulating the value of toll rates applicable to vehicles of classes 2, 3 and 4 used for the road transport of goods and passengers for hire or public, when travelling on sections and sub-sections mentioned, in view of the reduction in toll rates adopted, and in order to maintain the global benefits currently in force”.

The Minister of Territorial Cohesion, Ana Abrunhosa, stated, on Friday, that the diploma to reduce tolls on former SCUTs was “being finalised” and should be published quickly with a view to coming into force at the beginning of 2024.

The price reduction will be felt most profoundly on the Marão Tunnel and in Pinhal interior, routes that “did not benefit from the 50% reduction made in 2011 and will now have the same conditions as the routes covered by this measure”, she added.

The minister highlighted that, in view of decarbonisation requirements, the price reduction on these motorways is being accompanied by programs for the use of public transport.

“The provisional data we already have on encouraging more public transport estimates an increase of 34% in funding for inter-municipal communities,” she said.