Almost the entire population between 18 and 54 years old already knows about this campaign, associating this date with discounted purchases/lower prices. Around half of those surveyed believe that Black Friday lasts one day, but it depends on the brands.

Television and social media are the main touchpoints with Black Friday campaigns, with television decreasing since 2021. Friends/Families and brand websites/apps are the means with the greatest impact.

Purchases on Black Friday have remained stable since 2021, with three out of four people saying they have already purchased products from this campaign. Adults between 25 and 34 years old are the biggest supporters of the initiative, which is transversal in terms of gender.

Technology is the category that collects the most purchase intentions (55 percent), followed by fashion and accessories (40 percent), household appliances (33 percent) and books (29%).

Compared to 2022, technology maintained its status as the most sought-after category, followed by household appliances, one in four technology buyers on Black Friday last year also bought household appliances and one in five bought books.

Taking advantage of Black Friday promotions for Christmas shopping is another of the advantages that people associate with this initiative, with two in five buyers saying that they usually start to monitor the prices in advance and a third of the surveyed do not make any type of preparation for this campaign, says the study.

As for those who made purchases last year, 33 percent of respondents say they intend to spend the same amount as last year and 26 percent say they will spend more this year. The percentage of people that intend to spend less is higher, standing at 42 percent, says NetSonda.

Among the 88 percent of respondents who intend to make purchases in this year’s campaign, the average spending value stands at €359, increasing by around 10 percent and if the increase of around €30 is confirmed, it’ll be the biggest surge since 2019.

Between 58 percent of people surveyed that had made purchases in the previous year, 57 percent said that they had purchased a product from Worten, 21 percent from Fnac and 18 percent from Amazon. Sport Zone and Media Markt are among the top five most sought-after brands at this time.

Worten is the brand with the highest spontaneous recall and registered a growth of 4 percentage points compared to the last year. Fnac and Rádio Popular are part of the top 3, having increased 3 pp in comparison to the previous year. The reputable clothing store, Zara, in fifth place and Amazon comes in seventh place.

The opportunities, discounts and low prices are the attributes most associated with Black Friday but on the other hand, it can also be associated with consumerism, fraudulent prices and chaos.

Despite the negative and positive attributes, three out of four respondents value the brands that join this promotion, a percentage that is higher among those that have already purchased from this campaign.

The Black Friday study, carried out by NetSonda for Worten, occurred between the 14th and 21st of September. A thousand online reviews were carried out, with a sample that represents the Portuguese population between 18 and 54 years old. This sample size corresponds to a margin of error of around 3.10 percent.