More than 90% of Portuguese workers would like salaries to be indicated in job advertisements. This conclusion is contained in the study “The state of compensation” by the Portuguese company Coverflex.

“The percentage of people who say they want to see the salary value in job offers is 90.65%, compared to just 4.5% who don’t want to and 4.85% who say they don’t know or aren’t sure”.

Among younger professionals, this desire is even more expressive: 92.4% of respondents aged 18 to 44 indicated that they would like to know what salary is on the table, compared to 83% of respondents aged over 45 years old.

Speaking to ECO, Inês Odila, country manager at Coverflex in Portugal, highlights that salary transparency (both internally and at the time of recruitment) is “clearly” seen by workers as having more advantages than disadvantages, so there are now more companies (especially in the technological area) which indicate the salary range available in their job advertisements.