Next to the Algarve Stadium, between Loulé and Faro, at the beginning of yesterday afternoon, more than a hundred motorcycles and vehicles gathered.

Among the protesters - who then continued at a slow pace towards the Faro Dock - was Daniel Mendes, from Quarteira, who has three cars from before 2007, which currently represents an annual payment of more than 200 euros in IUC.

“Old cars shouldn't even pay IUC”, he says, justifying that “they already pay more taxes than others” and that, in the past, 25-year-old cars didn't pay a stamp and the insurance was a maximum of 50 euros.

Daniel Mendes regrets that the Government wants to put an end to “everything that is old” and that life only goes well for politicians, expressing dissatisfaction with the Government of António Costa and claiming to be there to protest against everything that is going wrong in the country.

Sandro Ferreira, one of the organisers of the protest, also states that he is protesting not only because of the predictable IUC increase, but also because of the crisis in health, education and, in general, “everything that is being done” to harm the country.

“They are destroying Portugal, this is the reality. We started with the IUC but there are other, much bigger causes,” he said, stressing that he considers “huge measures” taken by this Government to be unfair, because “they are always taking away from the same people.”

Sandro has a car from 1990 and another from 2006, both of which “will be harmed by this ridiculous measure”, he considered, adding that he pays 45 euros in IUC for each car, although he is not sure how much he will end up paying.

“They [the politicians] are the ones who make mistakes (…). What is happening in the country is that we are being constantly and consecutively robbed for something we didn't do”, he criticizes.

The prime minister announced in parliament that in 2024 and 2025 there will be a brake that limits the increase in the IUC to a maximum of 25 euros, accusing the opposition of wanting to scare the Portuguese with the tax.

At issue is a measure provided for in OE2024 that changes the taxation rules, in terms of IUC, for category A vehicles registered prior to 2007 and motorcycles (category E), determining that they are no longer taxed solely based on cylinder capacity. (as is currently the case), now being considered the environmental component.

OE2024 has already been approved in general, with votes in favor of PS and abstentions from PAN and Livre, and discussion is underway in detail, with the deadline for parties to submit proposals for amendments to the Government document ending on 14 November.