In a statement, the association presents measures that would encourage the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and asks the Government and parliament to include them in the next State Budget.

One of the measures would lead to the gradual retirement of older vehicles, through a program that would include the offer of public transport passes for up to 10 years for participants. It would include metropolitan areas and intercity communities and all existing means of public transport.

In the next Budget, says Zero, it is important that there is increased investment in programs for new public transport services and the reduction of fares in the pass system.

Toll changes

Another proposal from Zero to reduce emissions is to change tolls, so that prices vary depending on the weight of the vehicles and not, as currently, the height of the axle and the total number of axles.

Because heavier vehicles “cause more substantial wear on road surfaces, pose greater risks in the event of accidents (for pedestrians, for example), and have a larger ecological manufacturing footprint”, explains Zero.

In the statement, Zero explains that of the total Vehicle Tax (ISV), the Circulation Tax (IUC) and the Tax on Petroleum Products (ISP) represented 9.2% and 7.0% of tax revenue in 2021 and 2022, and that fuel consumption reached maximum levels in the last 11 years in the first six months of 2023.

The association therefore proposes the integration of vehicle weight as a criterion in the ISV and IUC, recognizing that “the engine capacity criterion is outdated”, because it does not reflect environmental impacts well.

The association proposes that the fee to be paid starts at five euros for each kilogram over 1,500 kilograms, and increases to 10 euros per kilogram for weights over 1,700 kilograms.

Tax benefits

“Many companies offer vehicles and fuel vouchers to their employees instead of offering the pass and supplemented with a monthly amount to be spent on electric and/or soft mobility services. Companies that do this cannot publicly claim to be concerned about sustainability while at the same time contributing to aggravating the country's main problem in terms of contribution to climate change”, Zero also says in the statement.

Proposing that from 2028 onwards, companies will no longer be able to incur expenses such as the acquisition of vehicles that are not 100% electric, tolls, parking and fuel, in order to pay less taxes, the environmental association wants a 25% cut in the next Budget in the deduction of this type of expenses from the tax base.

The association also suggests that at least 10% of ISP, ISV and IUC revenues be allocated to fleet electrification. And that support for the scrapping of old vehicles and electrification should focus on vehicle fleets with high usage rates.

And the State, he emphasizes, “must start by setting an example by stopping purchasing vehicles that are not 100% electric from 2024 onwards”.