"Until August 8, 3,853 complaints were registered on the Complaint Portal. Of this total, 64.2% were addressed to CTT and 35.8% to CTT Expresso", according to Notícias ao Minuto.

"Among the main reasons for complaints are delays in deliveries, representing 32.7% of complaints in 2023. The value has improved compared to the same period in 2022, in which it totalled 33.9% of complaints", writes the experts, pointing to undelivered mail as the 2nd main reason for complaints.

Wrong deliveries (10.4%) are also a reason for complaint - this section encompasses both delivery to wrong addresses and to incorrect recipients.

"Difficulties in service - getting in touch with customer support - were responsible for 7% of the complaints directed at the two brands", they point out in the note. Finally, 5.9% of the complaints refer to incomplete deliveries, which happen when "only part of the items are actually delivered".

Although the complaints are "a reality", the statement states that "the data analysed point to an evolution in the level of satisfaction of the Portuguese in relation to the two brands, since 2022". According to the indicators, in January 2022, CTT had a satisfaction index (IS) scored by consumers at 69.9/100 and, "currently, they have 78.1". The entity CTT Expresso went from 73.9 at the beginning of last year to 78.4 for IS.

“Both brands also registered an improvement in performance indicators regarding the response to problems reported to them. The treatment of complaints currently gives an average evaluation of 7.89/10, when in January 2022 it was 2.84/10", concludes the note.