The University of Coimbra's Faculty of Psychology department will establish a community garden on the terrace of its main building with the goal of including the entire academic community in the process, the head of the department has shared. The project, which aims to involve students, staff, teachers, and researchers, is being carried out in partnership with a private company that has experience in creating community gardens.

In order to ensure a productive vegetable garden with "activities open to the community," the company will provide all necessary assistance. The senior technician of the college's administrative services, Isabel Margarida Pereira, will serve as the director, or GEO (Grower Executive Officer), who will oversee the vegetable garden. According to Isabel Margarida Pereira, the seven beds that will comprise the garden will be able to generate 100 kg to 120 kg of vegetables per year.

A composting method utilising organic waste from the college bar is also being examined as part of the project, Isabel Pereira shared. The terrace that faces the Mondego River will initially have seven "beds" that are about 1.5 square meters apiece. In these, one can plant edible flowers, aromatic herbs, and vegetables. The "beds" should be assembled by the end of September, and in October, after selecting the "most appropriate seeds," it will be time to "get our hands dirty," the person in charge shared.