According to a new law that still needs promulgation from the President of the Republic, any new contract that may be signed cannot exceed 2% of the value of the last rent, according to Jornal de Negócios.

For specialists in the sector, the limitation was not clear, but the Ministry of Housing explains that what is at stake is the building and not the owner. That is, even if there is a transfer of ownership, the limitation continues to apply to that property.

In practice, in addition to the investor having to “verify the existence of mortgages, liens, easements, leasing contracts [assets] or other encumbrances”, “he will have to verify whether there was any leasing contract in the last five years and what income was charged by the previous owner", since "with the expected publication of the Mais Habitação package, it will be obliged to respect the limit of 2% on the rent practiced in the last five years, even by another owner", explains Regina Santos Pereira, a specialist in leasing and real estate by SRS Legal.