In a statement published on its website, the AMT transport regulator states that this year it has already received 23 complaints related to “alleged fraud in the context of passenger transport by taxi (namely the price of travel without using the taximeter and much higher than the price charged)”.

According to the organisation, in 2022, 23 complaints were also received for the same reason, while last year 28 complaints reached the AMT.

The AMT warns that it has also received “reports of illegal customer acquisition at airports (through direct contact with the customer), by alleged TVDE operators and drivers”.

According to the AMT, in addition to the steps carried out by it, complaints and reports have been forwarded to the competent authorities, “considering that they may constitute the commission of a crime”.

“Despite the constant action on the part of supervisory entities, the verification of such situations continues to increase, with evident damage to the quality of the service provided and the rights of passengers, which the AMT cannot fail to criticize, the fragile situation of tourists and other users of these services, who are less aware of the operating rules in Portugal for the markets in question”, reads the note.

AMT recommends to ANA-Aeroportos de Portugal the dissemination within airports, particularly in the arrivals area, in a “clear, appealing and visible way”, of generic information on fares, timetables, and vehicle characteristics in order to promote literacy about the taxi service and TVDE.

AMT emphasises that the measure will protect citizens arriving at international airports in Portugal “and who are potential victims of alleged fraud”.

The Transport Authority recommends, in turn, that associations of taxi operators and TVDE “raise awareness among their members of the situation that has been occurring and the obligation to comply with the applicable rules”.